Mot-clé - Rocket From The Tombs

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vendredi 24 mars 2023

Mardi Grarage

La recette de l'émission de cette semaine est très simple : un gros mélange de post-punk et de garage rock au son bien cracra.

  1. The The: Homa's Coma / See Without Being Seen
  2. The Fall: New Puritan / The Rough Trade Singles
  3. Tyvek: Air Conditioner / Fast Metabolism
  4. Tyvek: Mary Ellen Claims / Fast Metabolism
  5. Rocket From The Tombs: 30 Seconds Over Tokyo / The Day The Earth Met The Rocket From The Tombs
  6. Pere Ubu: 414 Seconds / Lady From Shanghai
  7. Sam Esh: Poor Boy Blues / Jack Of Diamonds - Faro Goddamn
  8. Sam Esh: Rocking With A Broken String / Jack Of Diamonds - Faro Goddamn
  9. Sam Esh: Fayettesville Dance Song / Jack Of Diamonds - Faro Goddamn

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